If you were recently injured in a car crash, your first priority should be getting medical treatment.

In addition to the painful and visible injuries you suffered during the accident, you also may have suffered internal injuries that aren’t immediately obvious. Without a full physical examination, you may be unaware of those injuries until they begin causing serious complications.

After you’ve protected your health, your next step should be protecting your rights to compensation. Having an experienced Texas car accident attorney on your side can level the playing field—especially when you consider that insurance companies are in business to make big profits for themselves and not to pay out claims to victims like you.

When you call Daniel Stark Injury Lawyers, we’ll fight for you in three ways:

  1. We’ll help prove fault—We’ll search for any and all evidence related to your crash, including traffic camera footage, police reports, witness statements, and even testimony from expert witnesses and accident reconstruction experts to help prove negligence.
  2. We’ll help prove your injuries are linked to the crash—Insurance companies are often skeptical about the origin of victims’ injuries. No matter what type of injury you suffered, we’ll make sure the insurance company and its adjusters know it happened because of the crash.
  3. We’ll negotiate to help you get maximum compensation—Even when insurance companies side with victims and agree to pay compensation, they frequently offer only “lowball” settlements that aren’t enough to cover accident-related expenses. We’ll push hard to help you get the money you deserve.

We offer free consultations so you can get an experienced legal team on your side that will fight hard for you and your loved ones.