The Circle is the movie based on the best-selling book of the same name.

It stars Tom Hanks and Emma Watson, but also has a strong supporting cast that includes John Boyega, Ellar Coltrane, and Karen Gillan. The movie focuses on Watson’s character Mae, and her journey as she gets the job of her dreams at tech giant “The Circle”. The story line follows her progression in the ranks of the company and how this experience changes her life as she finds out more of what the company’s mission is.

The movie has some interesting themes that focuses on transparency, community, inter-connected individuals and a lack of privacy. The movie attempts to explore the idea of whether this lack of privacy makes us better as individuals and therefore should make privacy completely obsolete.

Despite the provocative and timely themes of the movie, it is just poorly executed. The script leaves a lot to be desired with very wooden dialogue that doesn’t leave the actors much to work with. Although Watson does the best she can with what she has to work with, you just don’t end up caring about the characters.

Tom Hanks and John Boyega are in the movie much less than what you would think or what the advertising for the film would have you believe, which is a shame considering their star power.

Our D|S team members saw the movie, and this was the biggest range of scores so far, ranging from scores of 1 to 4. Take a look at what the team members thought below!

The Circle Review (1)DS Kileen Reviews